How the pH of Concrete is Related to Corrosion Protection

In concrete, steel is often embedded to reinforce the concrete, providing tensile and flexural strength. This combination of steel and concrete allows for some of the most durable and beautiful structures to be built. Concrete, as a building material, has superior compressive strength to most materials, and is durable in many different exposure environments. However, … Continue reading How the pH of Concrete is Related to Corrosion Protection

Why does chloride in concrete matter? What’s the difference between water-soluble chloride and acid-soluble chloride?

One of the most common chemical analyses performed on concrete is chloride analysis. Grouts, mortars, soils, and water samples are also often tested for chloride. Chloride is a negatively charged ion that has the ability to react with the iron in steel reinforcing, causing corrosion. This can lead to cracking of concrete due to the … Continue reading Why does chloride in concrete matter? What’s the difference between water-soluble chloride and acid-soluble chloride?